With the mine exploitation depth getting deeper and deeper, the mine heat-harm turns into another natural disaster after......
Key Technologies and Implementation of a Service-Oriented Information Sharing Platform for Global Na
In recent years,the risk of the global natural disasters is expanding in space and increasing in intensity.It has become......
With half of the present worlds population living in urban areas,urbanization remains a global challenge.No where is thi......
Abstract:This study aimed to describe the characteristics of natural disasters and associated losses from 1985 to 2014. ......
Climate,Disasters,Wars and the Collapse of the Ming Dynasty:A Quantitative Study from the Perspectiv
Causes for the collapse of the Ming Dynasty have remained divergent,and quantitative studies from a perspective of histo......
Natural Disasters Map can provide both the direct temporal and spatial information of the disaster-striken areas,therefo......
Tropical cyclone Fani-perspective from the trauma and emergency department of an affected tertiary h
The push from natural disasters and population pressureA long term analysis on agriculturalistsmigra
The study quantitatively investigates the long-term dynamics of the association between natural disasters and agricu......
"大灾之后有大疫" 。通过对云南省多次自然灾害发生与鼠疫关系分析发现,洪灾频发期鼠疫发生频次高,鼠密度、蚤指数较其他时期也高,但......
目的 调查分析四川省北川、理县两个地震重灾区6~23月龄婴幼儿的营养状况.方法 测量了北川县擂鼓镇、曲山镇和理县杂谷脑镇、薛城镇......
目的 对汶川大地震中414例四肢开放性损伤伤员细菌感染分布特性及药敏结果进行分析,以指导临床特别是自然灾害中抗生素的使用.方法......
目的 分析汶川特大地震中伤员的损伤类型和影像表现.方法 回顾分析自2008年5月13日至5月19日间在绵阳市中心医院放射科检查的1013......
目的 分析地震挤压伤致下肢横纹肌溶解症的MRI表现及临床应用价值.方法 回顾性分析5.12汶川大地震中临床确诊为地震挤压伤致双下肢......
目的 分析汶川地震伤员转运医疗救援中的影响因素. 方法 借助第三军医大学附属西南医院院前急救预案配置协调指挥人员、受过心理专......